
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to offer tax advice.
Consult a qualified accountant or tax attorney before making any decisions.

This page will be expanding to give more detailed information on the incentives available.

There are a variety of federal, state, and utility incentives for energy efficiency measures and renewable energy installations. They come in the form of tax credits, utility rebates, grants, and funding programs. We can offer insight and guidance on the options available to you.

Specifics depend on the type of energy efficiency upgrades and renewables installed. They also vary depending on the tax status of the entity. Many of these incentives may expire within 10 years and others are evolving. We will post new and changing incentives and programs as they emerge.

The Inflation Reduction Act has added some great options for not-for-profits to participate, via direct pay, in the greening of America.

A transition to clean energy is about making an investment in our future.

Gloria Reuben, actress and environmental advocate
